Surprise Proposal | Coal Harbour, Vancouver

Love is a journey filled with beautiful surprises, and sometimes, those surprises come wrapped in moments that take your breath away. As a photographer, being invited into these intimate chapters of people’s lives is not just a profession but a privilege. Recently, I had the honor of being part of such a special moment—a surprise proposal at Vancouver’s Coal Harbour.

Two weeks before her own wedding, a current bride reached out to me because her sister’s boyfriend was planning to pop the question and he wanted to ensure that this momentous occasion (and her reaction) was captured perfectly.

Recognizing the importance of family in Brianna’s life, Conrad enlisted the help of her parents, sister, and sister’s fiance to put his plan into action. The family set up balloons spelling the words “MARRY ME” at a beautiful lookout along the water then hid behind some bushes so as not to ruin the surprise. Amidst the bustling waterfront, the stage was set.

Trying to act casual (but having nowhere to hide), Adam and I tucked our cameras under our shirts as we waited for the couple to draw near and then quickly sprang into action! It was a beautiful moment made even more precious when Brianna finally noticed the cameras and her family waiting nearby to celebrate with them. I couldn’t help but feel humbled by the privilege of witnessing such raw, unfiltered happiness.

Congratulations, Conrad & Brianna!
Are you expecting to pop the question soon? I would love to capture the joyous moment for you! Reach out to me here… or give your significant other a little nudge my way. 😉



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